OSHAcademy Superviser Course by EIOSh

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Safety Inspector Course In Pakistan


In beginning the salary of Safety Officer Rs.40,000 to 

100,000 but in other countries his salary is 2000 US $ 

to 3000 US $ and duty in Pakistan 28 days on and 28 

off and in other countries 28 days on and 28 days off 

(In Pakistan and other countries all expenses which is

 air ticketing, accommodation, food and medical 

expenses etc. providing by that company)

Course Contents
  1. Safety, Health & Environment Policy
  2. Safety, Health & Environment objectives
  3. General Safety rules
  4. Emergency instructions
  5. Action incase of spillage / leakage of any chemical
  6. Fire Protection System
  7. Personnel Protective Equipments and its training
  8. Hazards of Noise, Stress and Heat and precautions
  9. Employees and employers duties of health and safety
  10. Accident investigation and its effectiveness
  11. Safe system of work
  12. Permit To Work (PTW) and its types
  13. Safe use of workplace equipment
  14. Manual handling hazards and precautions
  15. Fire and evacuation
  16. Identify common hazards and risks in the workplace and advise on suitable corrective actions
  17. Identify sources of guidance and advice on health and safety,
  18. Hazards communication and its importance in the organization
  19. First Aid
  20. Recommend suitable action to minimize risks,
  21. Investigate accidents, prepare reports,
  22. Make cost effective proposals to prevent recurrence,
  23. Promotion of safety culture

Pakistan Institute Of Distance Learning 

Skype Id:


Contact No:923200404191

Emial Id:PidlPakistan@gmail.com


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